Field Notes No.8

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In the last email, I mentioned that I'd caught up with Conor O'Donnell, aka The British Motorbiker, to record the first in a series of podcasts. In case you missed it, it's now been released.

"When Conor was 12, his life was completely upended when he woke up to searing pain in both his feet. Seemingly from out of nowhere, he'd developed a condition known as neuropathy.

Defined as damage to the nerves outside of the brain and spinal column - so your legs and arms, feet, hands and so on, Conor went from living a normal childhood to facing years of agony, watching as it affected the muscles in his legs to the point that he could barely walk. All of this whilst it went undiagnosed.

Six years after it first started, he was finally diagnosed and whilst his friends were making plans for their gap year, Conor started the first of four surgeries to help restructure his legs. Although he's still affected on a day to day basis, having found a world of motorbikes, a world that gave him his independence back, he's now pursuing a career in content creation."

You can listen to the full episode over on Spotify or Apple Podcasts by clicking the links below. It was a genuine pleasure to speak with Conor and to hear more of his story.

In his own words, Conor has said,

"If I can help just one person who's struggling physically or mentally find the determination to push through, I'll be happy."

If you know anyone who could benefit from hearing Conor's inspiring journey, please do forward this email or the podcast links on to them.


Field Notes No.9


Field Notes No.7