The Last Stop
Barnfield is a story about community. It’s a story about our drive to belong. Even those of us who’ve chosen to walk the path less travelled still gravitate towards others who view the world through a similar lens.

Malle Mile 2021
"The British inappropriate motorcycle race and festival in motion. A non-stop celebration of the speed, music and art of motorcycle culture." The Malle Mile is all of that and more.

A Two-Stroke Terror
Yesterday started out as any other day might. Breakfast, catching up on emails over a cup of coffee and checking up on progress with the guys stitching up the latest jacket prototype. Then Matt called.

2020: A year of two halves
Covid dominated all of our lives in 2020 and for us, it pushed our timeline back by a full 12 months but that hasn’t been the disaster that it might sound.

Merry Christmas
It may be Christmas day. It may be 6am. But the weather and the light waits for no one so, it was up and at 'em to get some shots of the bike and the jacket on a crisp winters morning.